Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why do the Tories want to copy Canada on International Development?

It would appear that the Tories are looking across the Atlantic for their ideas, but not to Washington and President Obama, but to Ottawa and the minority government of Stephen Harper.

Earlier this month shadow Tory minister for International Development, Andrew Mitchell praised the approach of the Canadian government to international development.

In an interview with the Guardian newspaper, he was quoted as citing ‘the work of the Swedish and Canadian governments and the approach adopted by George Bush’ as models he wanted to follow, saying that they provided examples of how right-wing governments we’re embracing the aid agenda.

But a quick look at the Canada’s record on international development since the Conservative government formed a minority government in 2006 makes for worrying reading.

It’s a story of unfulfilled election promises, putting economic interests ahead of poverty reduction and cutting funding to well-regarded NGOs who dare to speak out.

Despite former Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson coming up with the idea of developed countries giving 0.7% of national income to international poverty, when he authored the ‘Partners for Development’ report in 1969. Even the most patriotic Canadian would find it hard to argue that the nation has ever been a leader, with level of ODA traditionally lagging behind those of others in the OECD.

But under the Liberal government in the early 2000s, the country saw increases it is ODA budget for a number of consecutive years, growing from $2.6 billion in 2000–2001 to $4.4 billion in 2005–2006. But that’s all been reversed since the Harper government came into power.

The independent Reality of Aid report in 2008 indicates that;

Canadian ODA performance has stagnated at 0.28% of GNI in 2007 and 0.30% 2008, with no plan for increases beyond 2010.

That after three consecutive budgets, it seems clear that the current Conservative Government is not living up to its election promises on aid made in January 2006. At that time, the Conservatives promised:

  • To honour all the commitments made by the then Liberal government (doubling Canadian aid between 2001 and 2010 with 8% annual increases to the International Assistance Envelope, and a $500 million one-off addition to aid in 2006 and 2007).
  • To put another one-off $425 million into the aid program before 2010.
  • To improve Canada’s ODA performance ratio to reach the average of OECD DAC countries, which according to the OECD DAC was 0.45% of GNI in 2007.

It’s a situation that doesn’t appear to be improving, with the Make Poverty History campaigning recently suggesting to its supporters that the country ‘was only aiming for a C in generosity, but was currently earning a D’.

On aid quality, despite the Canadian Parliament passing the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (the Better Aid Bill), a groundbreaking piece of legislation which enshrined into law that the countries aid must be used to reduce poverty, take account of the perspectives of the poor and be constant with international human rights perspectives. However the Conservative government appears to set aside the law to pursue more politically expedient uses of its already limited aid budget.

Critics of the government have cited the decision to drop CIDA (the Canadian International Development Agency) funding in to seven African countries including Malawi, one of the world’s poorest countries, in favour of increasing support to middle income countries in the Americas and Africa as evidence of broader foreign policy interests.

Finally, recently the government has been embroiled in a scandal after suddenly cutting all of its support to Kairos, one of the countries biggest ecumenical human rights groups, with a 40 year record of working around the world, because CIDA didn’t believe it fits with its ‘priorities’ despite the organisations very work being consistent with much of the countries Better Aid bill.

By Tom Baker


The National Post editorial board hates women’s studies

“Is the editorial board at the National Post made up of a bunch of sexist, ‘ill-informed jackasses’? That is what is being argued from the sidelines of social media—blogs, Twitter, Facebook, [insert latest online soapbox here]. The chorus of anger is in response to Tuesday’s editorial in the Post called ‘Women Studies is Still With Us’. The column begins by outlining the news element: there have been reports that women studies programs are disappearing from Canadian campuses, they say …” (more)

[Erin Millar, on campus, 29 January]


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brampton, Ontario, Canada: Two dogs on death row due to breed misidentification

Two dogs are in danger of being killed in Brampton because animal control officers have decided that the dogs look like “pit bulls” (banned in Ontario). Neither the dogs nor the owners have done anything wrong.

Rambo on death row as city, owners battle over breeding

Friday January 29 2010


Rambo wasn’t hurting anyone.

No one had complained about the young dog, he hadn’t escaped 75-year-old Maria Gaspar’s Vodden Street yard, and he had never bitten anyone.

But Rambo and his sister, Brittany, are on death row at the City of Brampton’s Animal Shelter right now while their owners are embroiled in a battle to get their beloved pets back before they are euthanized. The deadline- Feb. 5.

Both dogs were seized from separate homes on Jan. 13 by city animal control officials who said they believed the dogs to be pitbulls.

Their owners say that’s not true, and both say they have proof from veterinarians tracing their backgrounds as boxers/American bulldogs.

The city’s veterinarian has a conflicting opinion, according to a letter sent to the Branco family, who own Brittany.

Gaspar is heartbroken. The senior citizen can’t understand why Rambo was seized. She said the confusing part is, the city has licensed Rambo as a boxer/American bulldog cross for the past two years. His vaccination certificate from North Town Veterinary Hospital classifies his breed as a boxer cross. And, no one who has seen the dog has ever thought he was a pitbull, according to the distraught Gaspar.

The city told Gaspar that no one had complained about Rambo. He had not escaped the back yard. If anything, he made passersby laugh the way he would jump up onto the roof of his dog house to look over the fence, she said.

But it was that quirky little habit that led to him being removed from his home and held by the city under threat of euthanasia.

A passing animal control officer spotted Rambo on his perch in December, looking over the six-foot fence, and told Maria Gaspar she had to move the doghouse because Rambo could escape. Gaspar agreed, but then the issue of Rambo’s breed came up. She was told to get a letter from her veterinarian attesting to the dog’s breed, and to have him neutered. Gaspar said she got the required letter, and an estimate for neutering, and gave both to the city.

In response, the city sent a letter telling Gaspar there is no completed certificate from a veterinarian, and that “Rambo has been confirmed to be a pitbull by his parentage as well as the characteristics as defined in the City of Brampton Dog By-law…”

The bylaw defines a pitbull as a pitbull terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, American Staffordshire bull terrier, American pitbull terrier, or “a dog that has an appearance and physical characteristics that are substantially similar to those dogs.”

“It’s not, it’s not pitbull,” said Gaspar emphatically, struggling for the English words to describe her upset. She can’t talk about Rambo without crying.

“This problem is like a son problem,” she said, emphasizing how important Rambo is to her. “Now, I no have dog, I no have money, I no have nothing… It’s not fair.”

They can’t fight the city because her family doesn’t have any money for a lawyer, she said, but Rui Branco is taking on the fight for both dogs.

His family owns Brittany, and they are in a similar predicament. Like Rambo, there were no complaints or allegations of biting against Brittany. The licence for Brittany’s father, Tyson, was due for renewal, and an animal control officer went to the Branco’s house to collect the $20. She was told Tyson was given away to a friend, but that’s when the issue of Brittany’s lineage arouse, according to Branco.

He has hired a lawyer who is preparing to file a motion in court to get the dogs back.

“This is an injustice,” Branco said, pointing out how ironic it is that he will not only have to pay a lawyer to fight for his family’s dog, but, as a resident of Brampton, he will also contribute to the cost of defending the city.

Tyson, also Rambo’s father, was also licensed by the city at one time, although Branco said the family did not realize the city had classified him as a pitbull, especially since he was born in December 2005, one full month after the grace period for owning a pitbull. If he was a pitbull, Branco said, the city should not have issued a licence to him at all. But, he says, the real mistake was labeling him a pitbull in the first place.

He has the microchip paperwork for Tyson, and a veterinarian’s letter, stating, “He is in my opinion a healthy and well-socialized pet and is a cross between an American Bulldog and a Boxer.”

A second veterinarian, Dr. David Kirkham of the Cheltenham Veterinary Centre, has added a letter stating Brittany’s mother, Jersey, is “unquestionably a purebred boxer.”

“I don’t understand why they are fighting me so hard on this,” he said. “Brittany doesn’t look anything like a pitbull.”

The Branco’s said the city did not have a warrant to seize Brittany when they arrived on Jan. 13, and Rui’s brother, John, confronted the city worker, who then called for backup. Several police officers and other city animal control officials arrived, and, ultimately, the dog was handed over. However, the Branco’s argue they were intimidated into willingly turning over their pet and feel proper procedure (a warrant) was not followed.

For their part, the city is considering four charges against the Branco family- owning a pitbull born after Nov. 29, 2005 in relation to Brittany and in relation to Tyson, failing to licence a pitbull, transferring a pitbull without consent of the poundkeeper and permitting a pitbull to breed.

The Gaspar family faces one charge of owning a pitbull.


Edmonton Oilers


Also Eishockey ist hier nicht nur ein Sport, nicht nur Nationalsport sondern Lebensphilosophie. Da wir in jener Stadt gelandet sind, in der der wohl weltweit bislang beste Eishockeyspieler, Wayne Gretzky, Ende der 1980er gespielt hat und der Hype um seine Person und um seinen Club, die Edmonton Oilers, heute immer noch in der ganzen Stadt spürbar ist, mussten wir uns natürlich zumindest einmal ein Spiel der Edmonton Oilers ansehen. Der Rexall Place, die Heimstädte der Oilers, ist vergleichbar mit der Wiener Stadthalle, 17.000 Personen passen da rein.

Leider sind die Glanzzeiten der 1980er Jahre, wo man 5 x die Nordamerikanische Hockey Liga (NHL) beherrscht und gewonnen hat, vorbei. Die Oilers liegen heuer von 30 Teams aus Amerika und Canada abgeschlagen am letzten Platz! Trotzdem ist die Halle ausverkauft und auch wenn sichtlich nicht alle kamen die Karten hatten, war die Halle ziemlich voll, ich würd’ meinen da waren 95 % der Plätze besetzt. Und die Oilers spielten gegen die St. Louis Blues, auch nicht gerade ein Spitzenteam der NHL. Daran kann man schon erkennen, wie wichtig diese Eishockeymannschaft für die Edmontonier ist. Ich glaube nicht, dass der Letztplatzierte der Österreichischen Fußball Bundesliga, wenn’s um nix mehr geht, 95 % Stadionauslastung schafft. Ich konnte 2 Monate im Voraus gerade noch 2 Karten ganz oben am Juchu ergattern. Ok, es ist Ende der regulären Saison und alle hofften vor 2 Monaten noch es würde jetzt um etwas gehen. Das Publikum war erstaunlich bunt gemischt, vom fast Neugeborenen bis zur 90-jährigen grandma. Ein weiteres Indiz für den Fanatismus hier zeigte sich an der Bekleidung der jüngsten Zuseher: die waren noch kein Jahr alt aber schon in Oilersstrampler, Oilershaube und Oilershandschuhe.

Den Umständen entsprechend war die Stimmung nicht so schlecht glaub ich – wir haben ja keinen wirklichen Vergleich. Bei der 1:0 Führung bekamen wir jedoch einen Eindruck wie es wohl sein würde, wenn die Oilers um die Meisterschaft mitspielen. Leider hielt die Freude nur ganze 17 Sekunden – da fiel das 1:1. Und schlussendlich mussten die Oilers mit 1:2 ihre 12te Niederlage in Serie einstecken :-( ! Die Anfahrt war auch eher vermurkst, da ist schon eine Stunde vor Beginn ziemlicher Stillstand rund um den Rexall Place. Also ähnlich wie wenn bei uns die Fußball-Nationalmannschaft im Ernst-Happel-Stadion gegen Italien spielt, oder sich die Schifahrer in Kitzbühl die Streif runterstürzen. Wir sind dann noch auf einen Parkplatz verwiesen worden der doch ein ziemliches Stück weg ist von der Halle und 12 CAD kostet. Sabine hatte alle Hände voll zu tun mich zu beruhigen ;-) – ich hasse nämlich Stau, bin solchen hier auch nicht mehr gewöhnt und wollte den Beginn keinesfalls verpassen – in Nordamerika gibt’s normalerweise immer eine ziemlich coole, monströse Mannschaftsvorstellung – die leider letztendlich etwas enttäuschend war! Aber alles in allem war es für uns ein sehr netter und abwechslungsreicher Abend, da in uns ja noch nicht soooo das Oilers-Herz schlägt. Aber wir hoffen doch auf eine bessere nächste Saison und werden uns das sicher noch mal anschauen – aber dann bei der Anfahrt eine Kombination aus Auto und Öffis wählen. Vorläufig nächstes Großevent: U2 Konzert im Sommer, da die Olympiade doch eher außer Reichweite ist – ich werde berichten….

Liebe Grüße


Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues I

Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues I

Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues II

Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues II

Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues III

Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues III

Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues IV

Rexall Place - Oilers vs. Blues IV


Thursday, January 28, 2010


Digicel has collaborated with international reggae artist, Shaggy, and renowned producer, Christopher Birch, to write and produce a song – Rise Again – to raise money for the Digicel Haiti Relief Fund.

Rise Again is a Caribbean song, written and performed by Caribbean artists for the people of Haiti.

After being approached by Digicel to write the song, Shaggy went straight into the studio with Christopher Birch, producer of his diamond-selling album – Hot Shots. The song was written in less than a day and the rhythm produced within five days, and artists such as Sean Paul and Sean Kingston – as well as other top Caribbean artists – were quick to come on board and lend their support. Rise Again is being released worldwide and 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Digicel Haiti Relief Fund.

Speaking about the launch of the song, Shaggy said: “Rise Again is for the people of Haiti. It is to show them that we are here for them and that we will support them each step of the way as they begin rebuilding their lives which were shattered by the earthquake. I am very proud of this song and the collaboration with Digicel. With today’s launch of Rise Again, we can raise much needed funds to support the relief efforts in Haiti.”

Digicel Group CEO, Colm Delves, said: “As part of the Digicel Haiti Relief Fund, we wanted to collaborate with international artists to produce a song that would support the people of Haiti who lost so much as a result of the earthquake. People across the world can purchase Rise Again and all proceeds will go directly to the relief efforts in Haiti.”

Rise Again is already making waves in the US with E News carrying a preview of the song on the E!TV Entertainment News.

Artists featured on Rise Again include Shaggy; Sean Paul; Sean Kingston; Barbadian Artists, Alison Hinds, Shontelle Layne and Edwin Yearwood; Trinidadian Soca Artists, David Rudder, Kees Dieffenthaller and Destra Garcia; Jamaican reggae artists, Tessanne Chin and Etana; and Haitian artiste, Belo.

Source: Antonia Graham (Digicel)


The Dirtiest Hotels In Canada And The United States

Where’s the worst hotel you ever stayed at?

Dirtiest Hotels In Canada

* 1. Arkona Motel, Niagara Falls, Canada

* 2. The Bay Street Motel, Toronto, Canada

* 3. Gordon’s Lodge, Gore Bay, Canada

* 4. Howard Johnson Inn & Suites – Toronto East, Scarborough, Canada

* 5. Drumheller Inn, Drumheller, Canada

* 6. Hotel Eureka, Montreal, Canada

* 7. Admiral Inn by the Falls, Niagara Falls, Canada

* 8. Howard Johnson Hotel Edmonton, AB, Edmonton, Canada

* 9. Howard Johnson Express Inn Barrie Ontario, Barrie, Canada

* 10. Battery Hotel And Suites, St. John’s, Canada

Dirtiest Hotels In The United States

* 1. Heritage Marina Hotel, San Francisco, California

* 2. Days Inn Eureka/Six Flags, Eureka, Missouri

* 3. Tropicana Resort Hotel, Virginia Beach, Virginia

* 4. Super 8 Virginia Beach/At the Ocean, Virginia Beach, Virginia

* 5. Quality Inn, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

* 6. New York Inn, New York City, New York

* 7. Parisian Hotel & Suites, Miami Beach, Florida

* 8. Capistrano Seaside Inn, Capistrano Beach, California

* 9. Desert Lodge, Palm Springs, California

* 10. Continental Oceanfront Hotel South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida


(based on TripAdvisor traveler reviews)


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Instigators and Oxfam to hold Haiti event in St John's

The Instigators, in conjunction with Oxfam Canada, St. Thomas’ Church and The Sheraton (Hotel Newfoundland) are holding a evening of music and dance on Saturday January 30th. The show will take place under the palms of the Sheraton atrium.  Admission is free, however donations to Haiti relief will be kindly accepted by Oxfam Canada. The federal government will double the amount raised. Tax receipts are available for donations over ten dollars. Please bring a friend (or two) ALL proceeds will go to  Oxfam’s Haiti Relief Fund.


Saints, Cora & Mandela

I had vowed to write here more often, so here I am. My new resolutions went really well for the first day and I then got sidetracked by the whole football playoff frenzy. But it really means a lot to me so I’m gonna get up a keep trying.

I’ve been rooting for the Saints all season long, so their playoff game was definitely one I couldn’t miss. It’s actually a funny story. I became good friends with a guy that worked out at my gym. He’s a hardcore football fan and everyone in his family had to choose a football team when they were young and had to stick with it their whole life. So at the beginning of the season he forced me to pick a team. My biggest deciding factor was a team whose jersey I wouldn’t mind wearing since some of the NFL teams have weird colors. My choice boiled down to the San Diego Chargers and the New Orleans Saints and because I’m a huge jazz fan I went with the Saints. So here you have it. I’m now a Saints fan for life.

However, during the Saints game yesterday I got a phone call from a girl I had seen a couple times which I really, really, REALLY liked. She ended up telling me that she wasn’t into me. It basically ruined the whole game for me. I’ve never been a very confident guy around girls. I’ve been diagnosed with social phobia plus I’ve never really had a girlfriend. The thing is, in the past few months, I’ve changed A LOT. I’ve been using social medias to promote my website and I’ve been interacting with a lot of people I’ve been admiring for years. Turns out they also really look up to me, so I’ve had a huge confidence boost. This would actually make a really interesting research: conquering social phobia through social medias. In any case, for the first time in my life, I really love myself and who I am. I believe this has really transcended to all aspects of my life including girls. So when Cora told me that she wasn’t interested in me, it came as a real blow. All my insecurities and my past came back to me all at once. The Saints won, but I didn’t really care anymore. I felt miserable. I felt like no one would ever love me. I felt worthless.

Today, I woke up feeling great. I realized that I’m still the person I was before Cora told me she wasn’t into me. It sucks but it’s something that happens. Just like there are girls who I’m not attracted to. But this is really a HUGE breakthrough for me. Normally, I would have felt like shit for several weeks. Plus the Saints won! So I’m happy and I think I’ve made a lot of progress. I’m sure I’ll find the right girl for me. And probably sooner than I think…

I didn’t do much today, which is REALLY something I need to work on. I’m not hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. I KNOW tomorrow will be a better day. In any case, one of the things I did was begin to read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography. Up to now it’s been about his very early childhood. The book has been a HUGE culture shock. Mandela basically grew up in a hut in a tiny village in South Africa. He said that he started guarding cattle and sheep at the age of 5 and talks of the many chores he had to do for his family. The stuff I read felt like it was coming out the script of a movie. You never stop to think that people on earth are living these kinds of lives. I felt so grateful for who I was and the opportunities I was given throughout my life. It really put things back into perspective. I realize that I need to seize the opportunities that were given to me and truly make the most of them. I can’t keep wasting my life like I have done in the past. I don’t know exactly were this will take me, but all I want is to be proud of myself at the end of each and every day. This is not something that occurs regularly, but it’s up to me, and only me, to make sure it does more often.

On a lighter note, for the first time in my life I didn’t buy Tide, but instead I bought eco-friendly laundry detergent (whatever that means…). The packaging says EcoLogo certified and CO2 neutral. Apparently EcoLogo is an Environment Canada Program, so this doesn’t look like greenwashing. The weird thing is that it’s also a Vegan product. I really hadn’t planned on eating any of it…


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Heartland - Owen Pallett

Heartland - Owen Pallett


  1. Midnight Directives
  2. Keep The Dog Quiet
  3. Mount Alpentine
  4. Red Sun No.5
  5. Lewis Takes Action
  6. The Great Elsewhere
  7. Oh Heartland, Up Yours!
  8. Lewis Takes Off His Shirt
  9. Flare Gun
  10. E is for Estranged
  11. Tryst with Mephistopheles
  12. What Do You Think Will Happen Now?


Intimacy With Christ- Sometimes It's Just A Song

Sometimes the greatness and simplicity of “Intimacy With Christ” can be found in a song–just in a song–and so we are drawn to thirst. For to him who has (a thirst) more will be given and to him who has not (no thirst hardly at all) whatever he has will be taken away (didn’t care to take care– and so lost it all). 

Grace Like Rain 

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

You see— it was God’s plan from the beginning—all  of it— to extend a favor we never deserved and could never earn. And so, Grace– the one who truly knows it in his or her life– to them it is a sweet, sweet word. And–to know it has secured you, lifted you, found you—well, that’s really something.

I once was lost but now I’m found

Was blind but now I see so clearly

On the one hand– the hard heart–”having eyes to see they see not and having ears to hear they hear not” and on the other– the one whose heart has been melted by Grace realizes how lost they really were and they can see 3 figures on a hill outside of the city—hanging high in the air gasping for breath. One of those figures—well, to understand that One—the Lamb–means you now see clearly. 


Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me

Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away

Every day this is true for God’s kids (and when the rain and sunshine comes upon those who curse the Bible and God’s name– well, that’s Grace coming to them, too)—whether we feel it or not,  whether our still semi-twisted mind can wrap itself around it or not, whether or not we see anything as a sign of it at all—it matters not for it is pouring down—just pouring down every hour we are granted breath as a gift.  

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

The Great Releaser—first, released from total selfishness, hatred of submitting to the Bible or God, released from not being honorific at all to the greatest Person ever…and so, when one is taught to fear—it’s then that the fears within can be released as growth comes in the midst of Grace pouring down.

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed

You see–the introduction into “Intimacy With Christ” for many is one they will never forget and to them it’s precious. That first hour is really not something one stumbles into as much as like the Apostle Paul– an almost blinding light floods our souls.

Father, I pray for the one listening to this song and thinking about whether or not Grace is pouring down on them— a favor we can never earn or deserve–from You. Lord, grant fear, grant sight, grant a preciousness regarding the hour we first believe. Let eyes see the cross of the Risen One. Let ears hear the words, “Father forgive them they know not what they do.”

As a witness of Jesus’ Grace in my life it has been nothing short of long-suffering, kind, patient, forgiving, renewing. It has been the long arm of a Great Shepherd reaching out to me again, and again, and again to pull me back. It has never left me. It has found me in His hand–the palm of His loving Hand. It has driven me deep within to let go of anything unworthy of it. It is beckoning me on—to press into His breast–to hear the words–”Kam, I love You. You are a witness of my grace as regarding you–it has taken infinate Grace and Infinite Mercy to get you this far and then to take you home. Kam, you’re not an easy case–but, I love you anyway and my finished work covers all your stains.”


Saturday, January 23, 2010

The worst excessess of the Third Reich, is also happening in Canada.

The worst excesses of the Third Reich still hold place in Germany today

Wendy on June 5, 2009 — 2 Comments

jugendamtchild Over seventy years ago in Germany the plans were well in place to remove certain members of the population from it’s society – those deemed ‘non Aryan’ were systematically rounded up and shipped like cattle to be exterminated by it’s high functioning killing machine. It succeeded beyond it’s wildest dreams with far too few of those responsible punished for the millions of lives that were wiped out. The questions were asked: “How could a nation that was so cultured, that was responsible for such a rich contribution to the world of music, art and literature also be responsible for the ugliest and most abominable scheme ever perpetrated on mankind?”

What is it about the German psyche that makes it so capable of such mechanical orchestration, as well as justification, of acts of sheer atrocity?

You think that Germany learned any lessons following the Nuremburg Trials…? think again – for the Third Reich, and all it stood for, never crumbled and sank into ashes, it simply went to ground and slowly re-emerged with an agenda just as evil and possibly more frightening as the original model. The victims this time?…children – families – the complete and utter control of innocent lives – the basic human rights of children and their parents.

Employing methods reminiscent of those of the gestapo, children have become the property of the German State; children are removed from foreign parents who have no means of defence, placed ‘in care of the State’ and never seen or heard of again. Many suffer extreme abuse and are killed in institutions staffed by bullies and sadistic inmates.

I have received emails from desperate fathers who have seen their children taken to Germany by German wives where they simply disappear – despite all attempts to even gain contact the German state effectively blocks every attempt by fathers to see or speak to their children. German-born children of foreign parents are removed and adopted out against the wishes of either parent – example. Read more.

Hitler’s purpose was to control the children, so he could control the parents. Our courts are controlling the children so they can exploit the parents.  Judges have taken over all parenting decisions and downloaded all expenses onto the non custodial parents. The Government of Canada and the Provinces  are super taxing the people inorder to do this. Tax the victims! Take Control.  What country are we in?

…Connie Brauer


2010 Olympic Torch Relay and associated event in Calgary video

It was wonderful and ton of fun for me and my better half to see the Olympic Torch relay up close in Calgary. We got to see entrepreneur and Dragons’ Den panelist Brett Wilson ran in the Olympic Torch Relay. And I also saw Mark (a very nice librarian at CPL) who was a torchbearer that day. Plus I had the great honour and pleasure to meet Carol Huynh, the first Canadian to win a gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I’ve also posted some photos here.

P.S. You can watch my previous video interviews with Brett here and here.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Got Mics Will Shoot Videos

We’re currently recording way too many tracks in way too short a period of time with our good friend Ben (AKA Got Mics Will Travel). We managed to force him to book us into a tiny recording slot he had open before he heads of to Canada for a few weeks work. Poor Ben.

He’s put together a YouTube ‘making of’ video of Sanch and I laying down our parts over the first few days of recording. He’s also written a very complimentary little blog about us which offsets the fact that just about every time I appear in the video I am cocking something up.

For the record I was using a pick with a drawing of Bart Simpson on it and you can both watch the video and read his blog entry here. Cheers.



EPISODE 123 - Jews should not ski

Hello, podcast-liking hotties!

Seems Canada survived Olly’s recent skiing trip intact, but did Olly himself? Did you have a sweepstake on just how long he would succeed on the slopes? Find out whether he was a natural snowMann or pisspoor on the piste in Answer Me This! Episode 123 [or just ask his doctor]:

listen to the MP3 through your computer our podcast feed on LibsynSubscribe to us on iTunes

Wherein we talk of:

Pinocchio’s nose: logical tool or moral tool?

the pain of childbirth

The Wedding Banquet

one SICK PUPPY (mildly NSFW, unless you are happy for your colleagues to think you are a bit of a perv)


driving with Homer Simpson

cod liver oil

bums vs. sharks

the wrong way to achieve the work/life balance



Plus: Olly finds himself uncharacteristically bashful at being the centre of attention; Helen outlines the original sense of ‘no glove, no love’; and Martin the Sound Man thinks that a really intelligent question is one about pissing into a jug. Incidentally, last week he was setting exam questions for Physics undergraduates; so if you happen to be sitting one of Dr Austwick’s papers, by that standard you should sail through.

Now, don’t be upset, but this is the penultimate episode in the current series of Answer Me This!; we’ll be back on 4th March with renewed question-answering vigour. But tune in next Thursday for Episode 124, in which we have a very exciting announcement. No, none of us our pregnant. Guess again. No, we’re not undergoing gender reassignment either. Shut up.

So until then, chop chop and get your free Audible audiobooks HERE – and please ask all your friends and enemies to take up the offer as well! You could also tell them to ask us a QUESTION for next series, by emailing, or leaving a message with Skype ID answermethis or the question line 0208 123 5877. And in return we’ll…um…dedicate a bench to you?

See you next week!

Helen and Olly

PS As promised, this is for all you toenail fetishists out there:

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Matthew Hicks and family burial, Montreal


Family Monuments

Notre Dame des Neiges, Montreal.


Here is the marker for the sister of my Great grandmother.  She is buried a stone’s throw away from her and from an aunt at Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery, Montreal. 

In Memory of

Matthew Hicks

Born in Cloonara, Rosscommon


November 11, 1843

Died Sept. 30, 1913


Mary H Hicks

Born March 27, 1854

Died Aug. 7, 1925

Lawrence D Hicks

Born May 2, 1888 Died Dec 17, 1965


Left Side

Matthew J Hicks

Born April 12, 1870

Died March 24, 1907

Matthew F Hicks

Born Nov 26, 1864

Died Nov 18, 1928

John M Hicks

Born Jan 18, 1879

Died Mar 12, 1947

Mary E Hicks

Born July 26, 1877

Died Mar 3, 1954

Katherine G Hicks

Born July 25, 1882

Died Sept 26, 1961

Right Side

Kathleen G Hicks

Born May 14, 1891

Died Nov 22, 1979


The Ovaltine Cafe 251 E. Hastings

I think the greatest commentary I’ve heard on today’s society came from the mouth of Tom Waits. While playing at an Allen Ginsberg tribute concert, Waits described his first major label tour and the fancy hotels they put him up in. He finished by saying, “It’s getting harder and harder to find a bad cup of coffee.” A-freakin-men brother. When I need to explain “ubiquitous” to my students, I ask them how many Starbucks (et al) they’ve seen in Vancouver. Well Tom, I’ve found it for you and I couldn’t be happier. Mr. Waits, I give you The Ovaltine Cafe:

Now the idea of a crappy cup of coffee may not be everyone’s idea of a day out. Nor, for some, is strolling through that part of Vancouver, which is a shame. When the sun is up and shining there is nowhere in this city that I won’t go. I go a lot of places more for romance than for any other purpose.

Months ago I photoshopped a picture of Kerouac and Ginsberg and friends to include me. It wasn’t claiming my right to be included; it was expressing my near-lifelong desire to be so.

The first thing I thought of when I walked through the door of The Ovaltine was the picture above. It hearkens back to the day when Hipsters where Angelheaded, not douche bags.  The decor hasn’t been changed, ever, one could guess. There are patches worn into the concrete where thousands of feet have scuffed back and forth during a cup of coffee. According to my guide, Jane, the bathrooms almost never work. The centre island’s display case isn’t filled with food, but a collection of trinkets from everywhere. I looks like the display cases in the kind of pawn shop/second hand store that still sells 8-tracks.

I love this place. I wouldn’t bring someone here on a first date, but if you’re out and about and [re]discovering your city like I’m, this is where you either plan your day, or discuss it when it’s done. Plus, it’s located right across the street from the newly-renovated Rickshaw Theatre. So, if you’re down for a show and a brilliantly lousy cup of coffee, The Ovaltine is your place.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Books In Sync Recognizes Fiction Author A. Colin Wright

Author A. Colin Wright’s Bio:

After graduating from Cambridge University in Modern Languages, A. Colin Wright worked as an English teacher in Sardinia. There he experienced what was still a primitive society, lacking the freedoms of English social life. He now lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, where he worked for many years as a Professor of Russian.

Featuring Sardinian Silver by A. Colin Wright

To Arthur Fraser, a young Englishman, Sardinia in 1960 is perfect. It’s an island filled with Roman ruins, exotic scenery, local customs, and morally traditional values-he loves everything. To assimilate into the strange and belong to a society different from his own has always been his desire. Arthur arrives in the resort town of Alghero to work as a representative for a tourist company. His ambition is to find a Sard girl for himself. He is quickly thwarted, though, by the orthodox beliefs of the inhabitants. Unmarried couples cannot meet without chaperones, and anyone with “continental” attitudes is immoral. Arthur quickly learns that dating is fraught with real dangers. When Arthur finally falls in love with Anna, a Sard girl, he discovers that she lives in Rome and is no longer accepted at home. But she then falls in love with one of his best friends, and Arthur becomes irrationally obsessed. He incessantly schemes about winning back her affections, despite her efforts to dissuade him. In Sardinian Silver, author Wright masterfully evokes a mysterious society, its flamboyant people, and the Island’s beauty. Like Arthur, you’ll never want to leave Sardinia, with its wide sands, low hills, sun, and blue sea and its superficial pleasantness of life.


Paperback: 196 pages

Publisher: IUniverse (October 28, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0595481000

ISBN-13: 978-0595481002

Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.4 x 0.7 inches

Paperback Price:  $14.95 $11.66

Purchase Link:

Sardinian Silver Book Review:

After an absence of forty-two years, languages professor A. Colin Wright returned for a visit to Sardinia. His nostalgic novel, Sardinian Silver, he says in its afterword, “evokes a Sardinia that no longer exists but which had a quality of its own that is worth remembering.”

It was a quality he also found in the no longer extant brand of Sardinian Silver wine that was “like a fleeting memory of something beautiful.” His efforts to recapture the quality and memories of Sardinia, the wine, and his friends from the 1960s have resulted in a novel of superior literary merit. Wright’s novel is a pastoral romance about a summer in the life of twenty-four-year-old Englishman Arthur Fraser, a tourist guide in Sardinia.

It is skillfully and evocatively written, relying on the interactions between its characters as they travel, fall in and out of love, and indulge in occasional bacchanalian festivals. While there are no action-packed adventures, there is a well developed sojourn to Orgosolo, an enclave of outlaws where Arthur and his friends feel, “as though we’re entering a forgotten civilization, peopled by ghosts of ancient warriors.” And when Arthur and his friend Gavino vie for the same girl, a kind of genteel jealousy arises, which suits the type of novel Wright has written. Otherwise, the novel relies upon Arthur and his several female acquaintances to add spice in some episodes and humour in others.

Of particular note is Wright’s ability to elicit the morals and mores of 1960’s Sardinia, both through what happens on the island and in Rome, and by the attitudinal interplay between traditionalist Sards and visiting foreigners like Arthur and his transplanted English friends. Wright’s characters spring to life, full blown. Angst-ridden Arthur unceasingly searches for love with all the wrong women until the right one arrives at the book’s conclusion. His girlfriends contrast the morality of the day and the place with their boldness and outspokenness. The men, on the other hand, either appear grateful to follow in the wake of the women or to participate in surreptitious affairs, like the “nauseating man with the moustache and the nasty smile” inquiring of Arthur about the availability of a servant girl for “other things.”

In the end, as Arthur reminisces years later with his wife about Sardinia and “all the people we knew there,” he concludes, “An odd bunch, weren’t they?” But odd or not, they are well worth knowing.

Review by M. Wayne Cunningham

ForeWord Clarion Review

Please Visit Author A. Colin Wright’s Author Page

Website (s):

E-mail Address:

Submitted by Theodocia McLean

Owner of Books In Sync


Submission Date: January 17, 2010




Jan. 17, 2010-

What captured my attention regarding the Governor General was not her sobbing, but her headband. This could go unnoticed in the turmoil of the news dominated by the Haitian tragedy; nevertheless, I think that we should give it a bit of thought.

I was used seeing her with flattened hair or opting for her natural Afro style. In her video statement following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, January 13, 2010, her hair style looks like this:

Let’s have a look at her hair style evolution in 2009.

January 19, 2009-

September 28, 2009-

December 23, 2009-

Quite a difference from this one:

Or this one:

In the group photo ( taken on the occasion of the Public Service Outstanding Achievement Awards ceremony, she makes a clear statement on proclaiming her pride in her origins. The Governor’s headband shows that she wants to distance herself from the culture of the country that has given her the honour of representing it, Canada. The headband speaks for her undeniable preference for her country and culture of birth, Haiti.

I am wondering if the headband was her idea.

P. S.

Read about the tectonics of the Haitian earthquake here:


Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 12th

This may not have been obvious so far, but I don’t drive. There were a few brief years when I had my G1 (Ontario’s equivalent to the learner’s permit), but living in downtown Toronto eroded the necessity of driving (plus, there was the small detail that I did not enjoy driving). Parents, family and the odd friend have given many reasons over the years as to why I should learn to drive (from the practical ideas that a license is good to have for identification and the convenience that driving affords, to the pragmatic idea that simply everyone should and must drive). I have listened, occasionally agreed, but mostly rebuffed their attempts. But never in any of these attempts did someone say, “Someday, you’re going to be a beer geek and want to drive to [Buffalo/Gatineau/wherever] to buy some beer. But you’re going to be fucked, because you won’t be able to get there. And if you do get there, you’re going to have to carry it with you and you won’t be able to bring back as much as you want.”

Of course, it someone had said this to me between the ages of 16 and 22, I would have laughed in their face and made some snide remark. Luckily no one did, or else they could seriously rub it in my face. But the sad truth is that when I find myself visiting Soph’s family in Ottawa, going to Gatineau to buy some fine Quebec microbrews is an epic journey. After a lot of planning, one transit day-pass and hoping that we were on the right bus, we finally made it to Marche Jovi. Compared to some of the Montreal depanneurs that I’ve been to, this one was a little mediocre. The selection was decent, but most of the beer was not refrigerated and felt really warm to the touch (meaning that all the beers purchased will be under extra-scrutiny). There was still too much to choose from and our beers were only purchased after a lot of humming and hawing.

My attempt during this trip was to try and purchase some beers that were relative unknowns to me. One brewery I had only heard about while reading the latest issue of TAPS magazine on the train ride to Ottawa (and even then, I mostly bought it for the wicked bottle design). One was a brewery that had intrigued me ever since I saw their bottles all around Montreal in August, while another was a repeat brewery from that trip. And the last two were from premier Quebec microbrasseurs which were quite familiar, but with untested seasonal beers in two of my favourite styles. There was definitely a lot of chance in my purchases, but that only left me more thrilled at what I had discovered.

I avoided the styles/types that most Quebec brewers make – blanche, rousse and noire. There’s usually nothing too exciting with these beers and I can’t understand why the province is obsessed with the mass consumption of beers based on colour. Another style avoided, though not on purpose, was anything in a Belgian style. Thanks to Unibroue, this is really what Quebec is famous for, but nothing struck my fancy. So I ended up with a Baltic porter, two imperial/double IPAs, a barley wine and a Russian imperial stout. When looking at these all together, they resemble my curiousity at how Quebec brewers would tackle different styles that are unrepresentative of their provincial beers.

After buying a modest stash of Quebec beer, it is hard not to drink some right away. The Les Trois Mousquetaires Grand Cuvée Porter Baltique was the easiest choice, as it meant the 750mL bottle didn’t have to make the trip back to Toronto (and because there were plenty of people to share it with). This was my first ever Baltic Porter, which was brewed as a lager with a robust 10% ABV. The beer poured near-black, with a deliciously frothy tan head. I’ve never had such a creamy, full head from a bottle before – this felt like it had been poured from a nitro tap. A lot of the initial tastes were of smoky malts, followed by an oak finish. As it warmed up, more of the chocolate flavours started to come out, as well as a complex fruitiness. A smooth, highly drinkable porter considering the alcohol content. I can only hope the rest of the beers are half as good as this.

Les Trois Mousquetaires Grand Cuvée Porter Baltique on Ratebeer

Today: 400mL. Year-to-date: 47.86L.


Premier Classical Chinese Dance and Music Production to Open at Montreal’s Most Prestigious Theatre

By Olivier Chartrand and Cindy Chan, Epoch Times Staff, Updated Jan. 15, 2010-

MONTREAL, Québec—Shen Yun Performing Arts is all set to return to Montreal Friday night to begin its run at Place des Arts (PDA) in Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, the largest and most prestigious of the five performance halls at the cultural complex in the heart of the city.

Currently more than 90 percent of some 12,000 tickets have been sold to the premier classical Chinese dance and music production, which will play from Jan. 15 to 17.

“The demand is really very keen to see the show, and we hope to be able to continually increase the number of tickets over the coming years,” said Jin Chengzhi, one of the local organizers of the show……. (more details from The Epochtimes)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Caught On Tape

Click here to visit the American Red Cross Web site to find out more or donate online. Those who wish to donate by phone can dial (800) Redcross or (800) 257-7575.

Those who wish to donate by mail can do so by contacting their local Red Cross chapter or by mailing a donation to the following address:

American Red Cross

P.O. Box 37243

Washington D.C. 20013

Click Here For Haiti Earthquake Relief Click Here For Earthquake in Haiti WorldVision Haiti Relief Fund and other relief efforts they support.

Click On Links:

Haiti: 50,000 Thought To Be Dead

Haitian Survivors Struggle While Waiting For Aid

Haiti Earthquake



The Cavern.... Revisited....

Wow time flies fast!

2010 already!

I have to say I feel a bit let down that we don’t travel with jet packs or live on the moon but then we do get iPod touches and really good coffee……

Terry just sent me a link to some youtube footage of us at The Cavern Club last summer. It is hard to tell but it was possibly the hottest stage I have ever played on! There is a surprising amount of stairs leading down to the stage area and I have to say it was a bit claustrophobic at times…. But to sit and actually play Beatles songs in that setting was pretty cool!

Anyways I hope you enjoy the clips and if you really want to get into the spirit of the show throw 4 litres of warm water on your back!



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Water babies!

Summer in Australia produces a blend of beauty and terror in and around our beaches. Killer sharks, lethal jellyfish and the dangers of an environment that is now inhospitable to humans – perhaps we should never have left the sea in the first place.

Australian summer is a cocktail of a hot climate, beautiful beaches and warm, clear ocean waters. When the mercury climbs on a balmy antipodean summers day, there can only be one thought, “to the beach!” Well, and a cooling beverage, the occasional frothy, sparkling brown wine.

My lovely partner, Kitty, and I love the water. We both grew up with it. For Kitty, she would be in the water as often as possible. In the chilly waters of Canada, this was not always possible so she had to be content with holiday swims. However, she grew up in a place only accessible by water; being on and around the water was part of her daily life. I grew up south of Sydney, I was on and in the water constantly.

When Kitty moved to Australia, her one thought was to spend as much time in the water as possible. Despite her love of water, the risks of things that will kill you in Australia made her a little concerned. She read Bill Bryson’s “A Sunburned Country” on the way over. Bryson’s famous quote “Australia harbors more things that can kill you in extremely nasty ways than anywhere else” seemed to have an impact on her, as you would expect. I’m sure the first time I took her swimming in the ocean she was seeing the shadows of lethal mammals all around us.

More than two years since Kitty first visited downunder, she is now a devotee of the surf, swimming and now, since Santa gave her snorkeling gear, taking a look under the water. This too brings a renewal of concern of scary Aussies, other than those hanging outside the pub. Last week we went snorkelling at The Haven in Terrigal. We went right our along a rock reef and saw lots of things. One special moment was when a black stingray about one meter across gracefully flapped along the sandy bottom right below me.

Kitty is such a water person and I love our water adventures. I am so impressed with the way she has taken to our deadly seas. She shoots waves like a veteran, occasionally ending up staggering out of the water with her bikini top wrapped around her face. She goes snorkeling confidently, despite wallowing like a beached seal with flippers in the air (not quite like the woman in “Along came Polly“). Taking life by the horns and giving it a solid shake!

From hardy Canuck growing up in a remote and beautiful coastal settlement to Aussie beach babe and big city shopper! Thats my girl!


Defending the Catholic clergy, Montreal, 1835

Montreal Gazette, 17 November 1835

To the “Scotch-Catholic,” whose letter appears in our present number, we would remark that the Protestant press of this city, in stepping forward to defend the reputation of the Catholic Clergy, from the most unwarrantable slanders, sought for no thanks, nor did they look for any reward for doing that which as ‘good chroniclers,’ it was peculiarly their duty to perform.  It was the cause of justice and truth, while at the same time the evidence of Protestants against the calumnies circulated by a Protestant writer, possessed greater weight probably than any proceeding from those who professed the creed of the party attacked.

We thank, however, our correspondent, for the hint contained in the latter part of his note.  The universal condemnation by all the British journals in the Province, of the articles which have appeared in the New York paper, goes fully to contradict the willful assertion of the Clique writers, that religious feeling has an influence on the opinions formed by the British inhabitants of the Province, in opposition to those entertained in the Assembly.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Some thoughts on the mad cow scare . . .

I recovered these thoughts from an e-mail I received “back when”and I felt it might be of interest to viewers.

Think about these three things:

Cows, the Constitution and the Ten Commandments


Isn’t it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years earlier, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington?

And they even tracked her calves to their stalls.

But they are unable to locate eleven million illegal aliens wandering around our country.

Maybe we should give each illegal alien a cow.


Our government drafted a constitution for Iraq.

Why didn’t we just give them ours?

It was written by a lot of really smart guys, and it has worked for over 200 years.

It’s available, because we don’t use it anymore.


This is the real reason we can’t post the Ten Commandments in a court house:

You cannot post Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not lie, and Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery in a building filled with lawyers, judges and politicians.

It creates a hostile work environment.

And also think about this:

If you don’t want to pass this on for fear 0f offending someone, then you are part of the problem.

It’s time for America to speak up!

Yep, I passed it on!


Harry Reid Said Obama Has No "Negro Talk"

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said Sen. Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” If this was a republican, he would be labeled every racial title known. Black, African American, Negro (on the census) would be urging him to resign. I’m waiting to  hearing from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on Reid’s comments. Is this happening? NO! Let me see if any black Bloggers are addressing this, NO. Reid did pacify the Obama Kool-Aid Drinkers with and apology stating, “I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words. I sincerely apologize for offending any and all Americans, especially African-Americans for my improper comments.” Reid, you didn’t know what you were saying when you wrote this on page 37 your yet-to-be-released book about the Obama campaign?

The Atlantic posted excerpts from the book that included a comment Bill Clinton made about Obama to then Sen. Ted Kennedy saying, “A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Hillary Clinton initially wanted to make a big deal about Obama’s previous use of drugs. This action by the Democrats is deeply rooted in their belief about Black people. They continue to use the black race to promote their agenda and when in private refer to the black people as “negros.” In my post The Race Card I explained the role the Democratic party has played with the black race. Many black people need to know the history of that party, and the people from the 60’s era. Harry Reid is from that era and still consider black people as “negros,” even his beloved Obama. Reid has stated, “I was a proud and enthusiastic supporter of Barack Obama during the campaign and have worked as hard as I can to advance President Obama’s legislative agenda.” Only because Reid was benefiting from the election. Obama on the other hand was just the pawn, read my post The House Negro And The Field Negro.

When Obama’s U.S. Senate seat was up for bids, Reid made it clear who he didn’t want in the post: Jesse Jackson, Jr., Danny Davis or Emil Jones. Reid called Blagojevich to argue he appoint either state Veterans Affairs chief Tammy Duckworth or Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Reid pushed against Jackson, Davis and Jones because he did not believe the three men were electable. All three of these men are black. Tammy Duckworth and Lisa Madigan, both white. He feared losing the seat to a Republican in a future election. From the Sun-Times. The history of the Democrat party is one of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism. The Ku Klux Klan was birthed by the Democrats as a terrorist wing to intimidate blacks, and whites, who sought to promote economic and education independence and social justice for blacks. It seems like Reid wants to keep that tradition. Reid compared conservative opponents of his massive takeover of the American health system to slaveholders and segregationists. He said, “If you think you’ve heard these same excuses before, you’re right. … When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said, ‘Slow down, it’s too early, things aren’t bad enough.” Reid was elected to the Nevada Assembly in 1966.

Reid’s comments are included in the book, “Game Change”. Reid is facing a tough 2010 re-election bid. He is sinking in the Nevada polls, trailing former state Republican party chairwoman Sue Lowden by a 10 percentage points, 50 percent to 40 percent. 52 percent had an unfavorable opinion of Reid, 33 percent had a favorable view and another 15 percent said they’re neutral.

Click On Links:

Negro Used in the 2010 Census Form

If I help him, he’s going to help me

Barack Obama Said He Was Black Before The Election

Obama Shoe Shine Boy

White America Hate Barack Obama

The Race Card

Michelle Obama called “Ghetto Girl”

Michelle Obama Chimp Image On Google

Barack And Michelle Obama Radical Cartoon

Obama Doll Found Hanging From Building

The House Negro And The Field Negro

Black People Don’t Like Black Conservatives



Saturday, January 9, 2010

Public Mobile files suit against Globalive decision supported by Bell, Rogers, Telus too..


Public Mobile files suit against Globalive decision supported by Bell, Rogers, Telus too..



Thursday, January 7, 2010

Maria Monk, Montreal, 1836

Montreal Gazette, 15 September 1836 page 2

We have not had time to give a careful perusal to reply to Maria Monk’s disclosures, which Messrs Jones & Co of this city have published.  We perceive however, a vast variety of authentic evidence, completely corroborating all the allegations made by the Protestant against her depraved and dissolute character- her residence in the Magdalen Asylum instead of the Hotel Dieu Convent- her insane mind- the disgraceful conduct of her protector- and the total falsehood and absurdity of her abominable charges.  The author of the Reply appears to sift with great ingenuity, not only her disassociated statements, but also proves, by contrast, essential variances in her own story.  We have only to regret that we find here and there interspersed a few passages, which, on due reflection might have been omitted, without injury to the utility of the work.  We allude to some sentences in which Calvinists are not highly flattered, by being bodily, as it were, held liable for the fanatical proceedings of a few who profess that faith, and who, by their hypocritical and dishonorable proceedings in the case of Maria Monk, have done much evil to the cause of religion in general, as well as shewn themselves no friends to the faith which they have pretended to support and advance.


Music Review: Arcade Fire

Yes Folks, Arcade Fire

I know its been a while but yes I am back with reviews. I can’t believe I am still on A. I am so ashamed of my inconsistency. Ah well, be glad I still enjoy doing these dammit!

Arcade Fire is a band with God knows how many members in it originally from Quebec, Canada. The name of the band stems from an actual historic fire where a bunch of children died in a fire in a filled arcade. Tragic? Yes. Hell of a band name, YES!

Anyways, the first song I ever heard was Neighborhood #1 from their Funeral album. Very very odd sounding to me. I cant pinpoint it. I wasnt crazy about the lead singer’s voice. There wasnt a lot of unity in the harmonies. It was kinda all over the place. Yet… yeah, thats ACTUALLY what made the song awesome. You felt the intense emotion from the lead singer, Win Butler. He has this shaky, trembling voice almost like he cant control the notes he hits its just a reflex action that comes out. The main female harmony is made by his wife, Régine Chassagne, however there are a bunch of people singing and performing on this song. It just sounds like a crowd of people singing you a story in their own way and time. It makes it so impactful. The video is also an abstract cartoon that is melancholy, morbid, yet colorful and bright. That one song got me.

I got the album. It pretty much all sounds like that one song to me. Thats not a bad thing at all. It keeps the momentum going. However I admittedly cant remember many of the others ones from that album… except for Power Out, Wake Up, and the song that makes me cry (if you remember, making me cry in a song is almost always a great thing) In the Backseat.

In the Backseat is sung by Regine. Its like hearing a little child sing a very very sad song but initially is really shy. You can sense the apprehension and timidness at the beginning. As the music gets stronger and the song progresses, she gets bolder and louder. Shes still innocent sounding but she is determined to express herself. Towards the end, she is “aaaahh”ing and “oooh”ing like her life depends on it. Its so touching, so strong, its like standing in a room naked just to make your point known. You cry because you know shes trying to make sure you feel what shes feeling. I cry every time I hear it. Its that good. If you love Bjork, you’ll love this song.

Wake Up is an awesome song. Powerful beginning. David Bowie loves this band. So much so he actually has sang this song with them live. This song was used in the movie, Where The Wild Things Are. When I heard it in the trailer, I thought it was the most clever usage of a song for a film. It belongs in that film.

So to me, the Funeral album was awesome but the band just seemed so chaotic. Neon Bible came out after and that album did well but honestly, I have never seen the band live and I know THATS where the magic is, Ive seen footage of them performing live and it shows WHY they are so seen by others. They put on a great show and its a show to be experienced. I didnt get into Neon Bible. It didnt sound bad but I dont remember any of the songs except for My Body is a Cage which is awesome. The all were good. Just not memorable to me.

I look forward to seeing them live just to get me more motivated to enjoy them as they should be enjoyed. A new album is in the works for this year but hell if I know the title of that or the exact release date. I highly suggest checking them out though.

Video: The video that started it all for me, so so so weird but awesome. I love the artwork and I love the flow. Its the video for Laika (Neighborhood #1)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Victims of crime feel penalized by Parliament's suspension (Canada)

The Harper government has put politics ahead of fighting crime by shutting down Parliament until March, victims of crime and federal opposition parties are charging.

Although the government has argued that it chose to prorogue Parliament late last month to focus on the second phase of its economic action plan with a new session, some of the affected crime victims say they are disappointed.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to suspend Parliament until March 3 — a day ahead of the release of a new federal budget — kills any pending legislation and committee work….

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson staged several announcements last fall to highlight legislation to fight white-collar criminals that was never adopted — it now must be reintroduced in the spring.

Legislation to eliminate house arrests for serious crimes, cracking down on auto theft and requiring Internet service providers to report child pornography content found on their servers are also among the bills which must now start over in Parliament…



23,000 join anti-prorogation Facebook group to try to stop PM Stephen Harper

CBC is reporting “20,000 join anti-prorogation Facebook group“,

“More than 20,000 people have joined an anti-prorogation group on Facebook following Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to suspend Parliament for two months until after the Vancouver Winter Olympics.

Christopher White told CBC News that he was upset by the prime minister’s decision to prorogue Parliament until March 3, and decided to create the Facebook group, Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament, urging people to contact their MPs to get back to work.

The group, which began last Wednesday, now has 20,312 members.

P.S. On Dec 30, 2009, I felt sad and powerless when the PM decided to shutdown the Parliament single-handedly until March.

As of press time (Jan 5, 2009, 12:23AM MST), there are already over 23,000 members in the Facebook group.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper - Napoleon Complex


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kim Cattrall reveals she is too insecure

From the

Kim Cattrall

Too insecure to be a cougar … Actress Kim Cattrall, who says she is not anything like her character Samantha Jones in Sex And The City.  On screen Sex And The City’s Kim Cattrall is a man-eater par excellence, but the reality for this single woman is a lot different.The most naturally beautiful of the four lead actresses – Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon – has done much to liberate the sex lives of 40-something women. She even wrote books on the subject (Satisfaction: the Art of the Female Orgasm and Sexual Intelligence).

“But I think it’s since taken on a negative connotation – as a woman of a certain age hanging out in a club where she can pick up young men,” says Kim, who clearly feels there’s a desperation about this that’s a million miles from Samantha’s poise and sophistication.”I never thought that was what the character represented. I’m sure there are women who do that, but I never considered Samantha to be that. And certainly not myself; I mean, I could not go into a bar and pick up a man – that is so foreign to me it’s not even in my hemisphere. I am totally insecure. That is predatory behaviour, and I don’t consider myself a predator. In fact, I feel sometimes that I am the pursued,” she told The Mail On Sunday newspaper.

After three marriages and a recent break-up of her five-year relationship with chef Alan Wyse, 20 years her junior, Kim is single. Is she enjoying her freedom?

“Well, I’m not sure if I’m there yet. I’ve been so busy since we split that I haven’t had much time to adjust. I’m starting to date; it feels all right. It’s very hard to be private about that. Whenever you step out for a drink or dinner, whomever you’re with becomes your latest beau. Which is a bit of a laugh for my gay friends.”


3/365 - Dieu du Ciel Peche Mortel

Canadian brewery (er… sorry, brasserie) Dieu du Ciel has been so kind as to share their big (9.5%) coffee stout with the world in a snazzy 11.5 fl oz bottle. An interesting aside before getting in to the review, the bottle says Peche Mortel is French for “mortal sin.” I swear I thought it meant “mortal peach.”

Glassware – Over-sized brandy snifter.

Appearance – Pours a very dark black with some very dark red highlights. There isn’t too much of a head to speak of, even after a very vigorous pour. There are some bubbles however, they are floating around the outside of the glass and are scattered through the top of the beer. Rolling the beer around the glass shows off some very nice legs and leaves some really nice lacing.

Nose – I could smell this beer across the room while setting up the pictures, it is strong. Lots of roasted barley notes, alcohol and really dark coffee. Very dark, strong coffee. This is a coffee stout for sure and a hard one to contend with in the nose.

Taste – Astringent bitterness coming from the coffee flavor with a strong, burnt coffee aftertaste. Very bitter and very aggressive. I think it’s actually a bit too much for me. The alcohol, the malt, any semblance of flavor is completely annihilated by this burnt coffee flavor. This one is clearly not for me.

Mouthfeel – The body is on the heavier side of medium (or the lighter side of heavy… whichever) with really nice carbonation. The beer finishes a little sticky which I normally wouldn’t mind but the flavor of this stickiness is burnt coffee.

Overall – This beer has a lot of potential, maybe this was a bad batch but I really could see myself enjoying this if it were more than one dimensional bitterness.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Minaret vote 
a blot on Switzerland’s
 reputation - by Mansoor Ladha

Mansoor LadhaPublished: Sunday, December 27, 2009

I was in Zurich when the Swiss Peoples’ Party (SPP) mounted its aggressive campaign against the Muslims building a minaret.

They really exploited the issue by having huge posters of a woman dressed in a black burka standing beside a minaret plastered on walls with a giant NO printed beside them.

As it turned out, the Swiss electorate voted 57 per cent in favour of banning the minaret, which is a tall tower in a mosque with stairs leading up to one or more balconies from which the faithful are called to prayer.

Click here to read more:


List of heads of state and government by net worth

Interesting to note the net worth of the richest leaders in the world. One fascinating aspect of this list is that some of the individuals identified below are the heads of state of countries living in absolute poverty and/or in dictatorial governments; note Fidel Castro’s net worth listed just above Jimmy Carter’s. TGO

Refer to information below. Source: Wikipedia

Current heads of state and government Name  ↓ Title  ↓ Net Worth  ↓ Country  ↓ Bhumibol Adulyadej King of Siam $30 billion (June 2009) Thailand Kingdom of Thailand Hassanal Bolkiah Sultan of Brunei Darussalam $20 billion (June 2009) Brunei State of Brunei Darussalam Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan President of the United Arab Emirates,

Emir of Abu Dhabi $18 billion (June 2009) United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirites Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques $17 billion (June 2009) Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates,

Vice President of the United Arab Emirates $12 billion (June 2009) United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirites Silvio Berlusconi President of the Council of Ministers $9.4 billion (March 2009) Italy Italian Republic Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein Prince of Liechtenstein $3.5 billion (June 2009) Liechtenstein Principality of Liechtenstein Mohammed VI King of Morocco $2.5 billion (June 2009) Morocco Kingdom of Morocco Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Emir of Qatar $2 billion (June 2009) Qatar State of Qatar Asif Ali Zardari President of Pakistan $1.8 billion – $4 billion (2009) Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan Albert II Sovereign Prince of Monaco $1 billion (June 2009) Monaco Principality of Monaco Qaboos bin Said al Said Imams and Sayyids of Oman $700 million (June 2009) Oman Sultanate of Oman Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo President of Equatorial Guinea $600 million

Equatorial Guinea Republic of Equatorial Guinea Elizabeth II Queen and Head of state of each of Her

Commonwealth Realms $450 million (June 2009) Commonwealth of NationsCommonwealth realms Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Emir $400 million (June 2009) Kuwait Beatrix I Queen of the Netherlands $200 million (June 2009) Netherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands

Netherlands Antilles

Aruba Mswati III King $100 million (June 2009) Swaziland Kevin Rudd Prime Minister of Australia $60 million Australia Commonwealth of Australia John Key Prime Minister of New Zealand $37 million New Zealand New Zealand Lee Myung-bak President of the Republic of Korea $23.6 million South Korea Republic of Korea Milo Đukanović Prime Minister $14.8 million Montenegro Margrethe II Queen of Denmark $10 million

Denmark Carl XVI Gustaf King $9 million Sweden Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic

ex officio Prince of Andorra $3 million France French Republic

Andorra Principality of Andorra Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo President $3 million Philippines Cristina Kirchner President $2 million Argentina Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Prime Minister $2 million Turkey Barack Obama President of the United States of America $1.3 million United States Felipe Calderón President $670,000 Mexico Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono President $500,000 Indonesia Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva President $360,000 Brazil Vladimir Putin Chairman of the Government of the

Russian Federation $150,000 – $40 billion (2007) Russia Russian Federation Former heads of state and government

The following list of individuals comprises former heads of state and government, and is a reference to compare current holders of a title against. The dollar amounts are not adjusted for inflation, but are accurate to the year given.

Name  ↓ Title  ↓ Tenure  ↓ Net Worth  ↓ Country  ↓ Bill Clinton President of the United States of America 1993-2001 $697,000 (1993)

$17.4 million – $53.7 million (2007) United States United States of America Fidel Castro Prime Minister of Cuba

President of the Council of State of Cuba 1959-1976

1976-2008 $550 million – $900 million (2006) Cuba Republic of Cuba Jimmy Carter President of the United States of America 1977-1981 -$1 million in debt (1981) United States United States of America Paul Martin Prime Minister of Canada 2003-2006 $220 million (2004) Canada Canada George W. Bush President of the United States of America 2001-2009 $15 million (2004) United States United States of America Ronald Reagan President of the United States of America 1981-1989 $4 million (1985) United States United States of America Saddam Hussein President of Iraq 1979-2003 $2 billion (2003) Iraq Republic of Iraq Tony Blair Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1997-2007 $3 million (2004) United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland Yasser Arafat President of the Palestinian National Authority 1996-2004 $300 million (2003) Palestinian territories Palestinian National Authority
