In a post, Dr. GF Haddad dismisses the hadith about the creation of twelve veils as a “Shia forgery” (see his critique of Shaykh al-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri posted at wherein GF Haddad states, “This is yet another forgery which unknowns threw on Sufyan and Ibn al-Mubarak’s doors just as you do with us here on the pretext that Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri cites it in what you call his 1,000 page masterpiece. You say he (Dr. Qadri) did not reference it but this is because it is taken exclusively from the books of the Shi`is, the 12 veils being a reference to… etc. He most probably culled it from volume 25 of al-Majlisi’s (d. 1111) Bihar al-Anwar which begins with the forgeries on the creation of the Nur of the twelve Imams (specifically 25:21 but also 15:4, 54:170-175, 55:41, 108:198 etc.) although the original fabrication is in Ibn Babuyah’s (d. 381) Khisal (p. 482) and Ma`ani al-Akhbar (p. 306, p. 351).”
Here is the hadith in question from Shaykh al-Islam’s book, “Undoubtedly, Allah (tabâraka wa ta`âlâ) created the light of Muhammad (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) before creating the skies, earth, Kursî, Qalam, Paradise, Hell. Before creating Âdam, Nûh, Ibrâhîm, Ismâ`îl, Is-hâq, Ya`qûb, Mûsâ, `Îsâ, Sulaymân and Dâwûd. Before creating the Prophet mentioned in the verse, `wa wa hab nâ lahû is-Hâqa wa ya`qûb – and We gave him (Ibrâhîm) Is-hâq and Ya`qûb (as a son and grandson)’ till the verse `wa hadaynâhum ilâ Sirâtim-mustaqîm – We chose him and gave guidance towards the right path’ and before all of the other Prophets by 424,000 years and with him were created 12 veils” (Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, Mîlâd-un-Nabî (saw) (Pakistan, Lahore: Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Publishers, 2004), pp. 116-7).
Q. What is Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s view regarding the hadith about the twelve veils?
A. We confirm belief in the Twelve Veils. The following passage about the Twelve Veils appears in the book “Muhammad: The Messenger of Islam” by Hajjah Amina Adil (rah), wife of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, in the chapter titled, “The Creation of the Light of Muhammad (S): The Twelve Veils:
“The Twelve Veils: After this the Lord Almighty, blessed be He, created Twelve Veils. The first of these was the Veil of Power within which the Prophet’s soul remained for twelve thousand years, reciting Subhana rabbil-’ala (Glory be to my Lord, the Lofty). The second was the Veil of Grandeur in which he was veiled for eleven thousand years, saying, Subhanal ’Alim al-Hakim (Glory be to my Lord, the All-Knowing, the Wise). Ten thousand years he remained shrouded in the Veil of Kindness, saying Subhana man huwa da’im, la yaqta (Glory to Him who is perpetual, who never ends). The fourth veil was the Veil of Mercy, therein the noble soul remained for nine thousand years, praising Allah, saying: Subhana-rafi’-al-`ala (Glory be to the Elevated, the High). The fifth veil was the Veil of Bliss, and therein he remained for eight thousand years, glorifying the Lord and saying, Subhana man huwa qa’imun la yanam. (Glory to Him who is ever existent, who sleeps not). The sixth veil was the Veil of Munificence; he remained enfolded in it for seven thousand years, praising, Subhana-man huwal-ghaniyu la yafqaru (Glory be to Him who is rich, who never grows indigent). Then followed the seventh veil, the Veil of Rank. Here the enlightened soul remained for six thousand years, praising the Lord and saying: Subhana man huwal Khaliq-an-Nur (Glory to Him who is the Creator, the Light). Next, He veiled him in the eighth veil, the Veil of Guidance where he remained for five thousand years, praising Allah and saying, Subhana man lam yazil wa la yazal (Glory to Him whose existence does not cease, who does not vanish). Then followed the ninth veil, which was the Veil of Prophethood where he stayed for four thousand years, glorifying the Lord: “Subhana man taqarrab bil-qudrati wal-baqa” (Glory to Him who draws nigh to His Omnipotence and Immortality). Then came the Veil of Eminence, the tenth veil where this enlightened soul remained for three thousand years, reciting praises on the Creator of all Causes, saying, “Subhana dhil-’arshi ‘amma yasifun” (Glory be to the Owner of the Throne, above all else attributed to Him). The eleventh veil was the Veil of Light. There he remained for two thousand years, praying, “Subhana dhil-Mulk wal-Malakut” (Glory to the Lord over the heavenly and earthly Kingdoms). The twelfth veil was the Veil of Intercession, and there he remained for one thousand years, saying “Subhana-rabbil-’azhim” (Glory to my Lord, the Sublime) (“Muhammad: The Messenger of Islam” By Hajjah Amina Adil, published by the Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA) 2002, Creation of the Light of Muhammad (S): The Twelve Veils, p. 1-3)
The preface to his book was written by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim himself, who wrote, “Islamic teachings are based on the divinely revealed Quran, on the Hadith (examples of the Prophet Muhammad (S), and on the legal judgments of trained jurists. It is also a religion largely open to interpretation, which allows for consensus, discussion, and disagreement…’Muhammad: The Last Prophet’ embodies the timeless teachings of holy souls through the ages, whom Allah subhana wa ta’ala has endowed with immense wisdom. May we benefit from what they offer, that these lessons help us evolve to higher stations, becoming truly in tune with the spiritual dimension of life, achieving a state of genuine peace ‑ with ourselves and the world around us. Wa min Allah at Tawfiq‑and Allah knows best. Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Cyprus, January 2002″ (“Muhammad: The Messenger of Islam” By Hajjah Amina Adil, published by the Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA) 2002, Preface, p. VII)
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