Sunday, January 24, 2010

Intimacy With Christ- Sometimes It's Just A Song

Sometimes the greatness and simplicity of “Intimacy With Christ” can be found in a song–just in a song–and so we are drawn to thirst. For to him who has (a thirst) more will be given and to him who has not (no thirst hardly at all) whatever he has will be taken away (didn’t care to take care– and so lost it all). 

Grace Like Rain 

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

You see— it was God’s plan from the beginning—all  of it— to extend a favor we never deserved and could never earn. And so, Grace– the one who truly knows it in his or her life– to them it is a sweet, sweet word. And–to know it has secured you, lifted you, found you—well, that’s really something.

I once was lost but now I’m found

Was blind but now I see so clearly

On the one hand– the hard heart–”having eyes to see they see not and having ears to hear they hear not” and on the other– the one whose heart has been melted by Grace realizes how lost they really were and they can see 3 figures on a hill outside of the city—hanging high in the air gasping for breath. One of those figures—well, to understand that One—the Lamb–means you now see clearly. 


Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me

Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away

Every day this is true for God’s kids (and when the rain and sunshine comes upon those who curse the Bible and God’s name– well, that’s Grace coming to them, too)—whether we feel it or not,  whether our still semi-twisted mind can wrap itself around it or not, whether or not we see anything as a sign of it at all—it matters not for it is pouring down—just pouring down every hour we are granted breath as a gift.  

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

The Great Releaser—first, released from total selfishness, hatred of submitting to the Bible or God, released from not being honorific at all to the greatest Person ever…and so, when one is taught to fear—it’s then that the fears within can be released as growth comes in the midst of Grace pouring down.

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed

You see–the introduction into “Intimacy With Christ” for many is one they will never forget and to them it’s precious. That first hour is really not something one stumbles into as much as like the Apostle Paul– an almost blinding light floods our souls.

Father, I pray for the one listening to this song and thinking about whether or not Grace is pouring down on them— a favor we can never earn or deserve–from You. Lord, grant fear, grant sight, grant a preciousness regarding the hour we first believe. Let eyes see the cross of the Risen One. Let ears hear the words, “Father forgive them they know not what they do.”

As a witness of Jesus’ Grace in my life it has been nothing short of long-suffering, kind, patient, forgiving, renewing. It has been the long arm of a Great Shepherd reaching out to me again, and again, and again to pull me back. It has never left me. It has found me in His hand–the palm of His loving Hand. It has driven me deep within to let go of anything unworthy of it. It is beckoning me on—to press into His breast–to hear the words–”Kam, I love You. You are a witness of my grace as regarding you–it has taken infinate Grace and Infinite Mercy to get you this far and then to take you home. Kam, you’re not an easy case–but, I love you anyway and my finished work covers all your stains.”


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